Are you a technician who wants to upgrade your qualifications to get promoted, higher income, and more career opportunities?

Get an Engineering Degree In Just 16 Months And Double Your Income By Studying Only 6 Hours a Week!

Without Working Overtime, Doing Side Gigs, or Studying 3 to 4 Years in a University

Where Our Graduates Work

Michael Lin

Founder of Auston Institute of Management

Hey guys, Michael here.

Aren’t you tired of always working long shifts in your technical job to increase income?

On top of that, you may even be juggling multiple jobs and side gigs.

Isn’t it frustrating, depressing, and exhausting?

What if I told you that you could escape long work hours and have an easier life by upgrading your qualifications?

Enjoy: Higher salary opportunities and increased job satisfaction.

Without working overtime, hustling several side gigs, or wasting 3-4 years and tens of thousands of dollars in national universities.

3-5 years at a local university is a waste of time,

Especially since you've already been in the workforce for quite a while.

Why Does Auston's Degree Only Take 16 Months

When Local Universities Require 3-4 Years?

You’re already a technician with years of experience under your belt.

So we’ll teach you what you only need to upskill to get promoted.

We remove non-essential modules that government schools offer.

No CCAs. No quarterly term breaks.

You don't need all of these in your current or future job.

We teach you only what you need to know.

Saving you lots of precious time & course fees!

In return, you get an engineering degree in just 16 months,

With only 6 hours of study each week!

And a degree recognised by the biggest companies in Singapore!

Upgrade your qualification by equipping yourself with an engineering degree in 16 months, studying only 6 hours a week.

The ONLY University Programme In Singapore With

100% Employment Rate?

With graduates in major engineering firms too!

Quickly completing a course is not the only goal. Quality matters too.

At Auston, all our lecturers hold at least a Master's Degree.

Unlike other schools that have lecturers with only a bachelor’s degree.

With us, you’ll get top-quality education in the shortest period possible.

It’s the #1 reason our 2021 graduates have a 100% employment rate…

In major engineering firms like United Technologies, 3M, Singtel, HuaWei, and more!

Our employment rate is highest among all local universities!

In other words, you are losing potential salary increases, promotions, and a better life by going

for a degree longer than necessary.

Why You're Losing Out On Promotions And A Salary Increase When You Delay Getting Your Degree

We had a student who wanted to start the degree program back in 2020 but didn’t enroll because

he felt it wasn’t the right time.

Perhaps you have similar thoughts too.

A year later, he returned to us, said he was still a technical worker, and regretted delaying his decision to enroll with us.

If he had joined last 2020, he’d be a graduate by now, enjoying promotions and bigger salary increments.

Fast forward to today, he enrolled at Auston and is halfway through the course, on track to have a better life!

If you're ready to climb the corporate ladder, qualify for engineer-level opportunities, and grow your salary…

Click on the button below to book a consultation with us.

Here's What You'll Receive In Your

Degree Orientation Consultation 👇

Here's What You'll

Receive In Your

Degree Orientation Consultation 👇

  • Fast Track Degree System Discover how technicians like you can fast-track your way to get an engineering degree in 16 months while only studying 6 hours a day. No need to spend 3-4 years getting a degree in a local university.

  • Double Your Income And Improve Your Work-Life – Isn't it tiring working long and irregular hours as a technician? Learn how you can double your income and achieve a better work-life balance with this simple trick!

  • The 3 unheard-of job promotion secrets – Don't you want to learn how you can be an engineer in the fastest and easiest way possible?

  • 5 Common Career-Killers Technicians Must Avoid at all cost — Making even just one of these errors could cost you thousands of dollars. Worse, your income may stagnate and cause your promotion to be terminated! Discover how you can avoid these career-damaging mistakes.

  • Real-life case studies of technicians like you – Hundreds of my students got an Engineering Degree and managed to get higher-paying jobs. Many of them are employed in major engineering firms like United Technologies, 3M, Singtel, HuaWei, and more. And I’ll show you how you can do it too!

  • Finance your degree without affecting your cash flow — We believe that no one should be deprived of a better education. That’s why we have financial loans available from DBS, OCBC, and even Private Lenders like TCC so that you can get a degree regardless of your financial situation.

Check Out What Our Students Say


"Top Notch Courses and High-Quality Education"

"Dedicated Trainer Who Imparts Knowledge Well"

"Provided Practical & Useful Information"

"Top Notch Courses and High-Quality Education"

"Trainer Who Understands And Solve Your Problems"

"Professionally Run By Dedicated Folks"

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: Is Auston Institute of Management a recognised school?

A: Yes it is! In fact, Auston Institute of Management is not only recognised by Singapore employers but countless top UK universities as well.

Q: How much time will this Engineering Degree take?

A: Part-Time: 16 months (2 days per week, up to 3 hours each)

Full-Time: 12 months (5 days per week, 3 hours each)

Q: Are loans available for this degree programme?

A: Yes, we believe that no one should be deprived of a better education. We have financial loans available from DBS, OCBC, and even Private Lenders like TCC.

Q: When is the next intake?

A: We have regular intakes. Submit your application to find out when is the next one.

Q: I am an international student. Can I apply?

A: Yes you can. Feel free to contact us to find out how international students like yourself have applied and secured their diploma.

Q: What language will the degree programme be conducted in?

A: This course will be fully conducted in the English Language.

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